mhw bow arc shot

[–]rabbertxkleinGaruga isn't hard. If you find yourself on the other side of the area from the monster and holding a charge, an arc shot might let you get some damage out of it rather than just cancelling or wasting stamina. Fun fact: Nightshade Paolumu blows ant mounds apart and sucks in ants as snacks! this makes the effect apply quicker. Reddit in general could get you fired. [–]LaxariaAWOL 3 points4 points5 points 4 years ago (2 children). Artwork submissions must adhere to the following criteria: I opened it at my desk was was like yikes! If a Large Monster is down, you can shoot 2-3 Arc Shots towards its head to stun and down them again before they can rise up. Certain topics belong in specific subreddits Threads discussing leaks/new info need to be flaired with the spoiler tag. Anyway I heard Arc Shots are good to inflict status, is that true?. The Bowis a naturally fast weapon. It's not so much about breaking parts, as it is just getting the monster on the ground so everyone can wail on him. Check out my NEW HAMMER and LONG SWORD Master Guides for ICEBORNE! Either nobody cares or they want us to have at least one thing to enjoy when the phones aren't ringing. Then I got a message from 2 of them saying how shitty of an ig user I was because I didn't know how to use my air combos.... [–]ExaltedNet 4 points5 points6 points 2 years ago (0 children), [–]ImTheBoat 2 points3 points4 points 2 years ago (3 children). As for my combo there’s going to be a arc shots in there to maximize damage. Everybody gangsta until the HH main starts JoJo posing. Otherwise I'm in the air either mounting or staying out of my teammates hitboxes. Also, as other people have said, it is the end of a combo and if you don't watch what you are doing, it can fire off by accident. I was basically forced to just run around and attack the tail. Whereas those bombs do practically no damage in comparison, nor do they have the ability to make the monster crumble to its knees. On the other hand though, aerial combos lead to mounting which knocks over monsters and lets your party (or just you if you're solo) to get in all of your really strong combos without retaliation. They may be able to stun, but it's still shot damage. What gear do you use to get both of those to level 3? The move rains down multiple pellets that deal very little damage but can deal a lot of stun damage. Be Respectful. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal. Probably didn't even know how to charge them up. Does that prevent issues with ranged weapon projectiles? Except outside of the one case you mentioned of knocking friends around. Arc Shot. Similarly, CB can stun via phials but its damage remains cutting. Its essence lies within hunters ready to stand tall. All Camp Locations. Wide and Focus deal blunt damage, so they can technically stun monsters, but that never happens. You also missed to mention, that normals damage is only reduced on lvl1-2, afterwards it's only a slight elemental decrease The monsters almost always moving l, and any decent ig user is going to move with it, Right through your arc fire. The only real issue I got with bow users is that arc shot or whatever that drops the rocks. The following content MAY ONLY BE POSTED ON WEEKENDS (Saturday (0000 hrs UTC)- Sunday (2359 hrs UTC): Memes, Carves & Quest Results, Kill Screens, Decorations, Minor Achievements (trophies), Crafted Equipment collections, Investigations, pictures of TV/Monitor Screens...etc Blatant attempts at “Karma Farming” will be removed. Welcome to the one stop shop for Satellite and Cable products! Lol no worries. I would say the air/ground combos can be close in damage when fully buffed, but are entirely situational. Yeah! Additionally, buying and selling of services (merchandise, exclusive quests, etc) is not allowed. Submissions that violate this rule will be removed. [–]Raijuri 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (0 children), [–]BowWreckerCrew 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (0 children). use the following search parameters to narrow your results: Important News Alatreon Title Update & future updates delayed indefinitely due to COVID-19 More Info, Release TBD The Blazing Black Dragon, Alatreon Arrives! Uncivil/toxic behavior of any kind will be removed at moderator discretion. :), [–]EbenHSHD 2 points3 points4 points 2 years ago (2 children). A fully charged Arc Shot can do 3-4 dmg a tick and if you aim it well enough, it ticks a LOT. SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK! Plus with the right armor skills you can be nigh unstoppable while in the air and be very evasive. Arc Shot: During Charged Shot > After Power Shot > An Arc shot comboed from a Charged Shot can be aimed (L2 to aim, left-stick to adjust aim) as long as R2+ is held down. Topics that are not related to Monster Hunter: World will be removed. I sometimes intentionally use arc shot but you’re right 99% of the time it’s trying to slide shot or dragon piercer. Each weapon has its own flair and having that flair taken takes the fun out of that weapon and even though you can still get the kill, it’s just a boring kill and that’s the problem. I didn't realize til yesterday that attacks could actually interrupt friendlies, so im trying to be more aware of how my play affects the team, but the arc shot serves a purpose. KO (Knock Out) damage. You shoot Rapid 3, then Powershot is Rapid 5. While walking & charging, you can do a Brave HBG-like sliding animation without losing your charge. [–]IAA_ShRaPNeL 31 points32 points33 points 2 years ago (10 children). [–]Samuraion 4 points5 points6 points 2 years ago (1 child). I was certain arc shots existed then, but I have no way to play a copy to check. I'm by no means saying they should never use it, but in a multiplayer session, it definitely seems to cause more trouble than it's worth. Can you equip lvl 3 gems on anything? Bow user here. Hello I have never seen one bow player using Arc Shots. Today i had a legiana stun locked for half the fight while a dagger guy just tore him apart. Beyond that the Bow user has 2 paths. My bad I didn't think about needing to add that. The bow is a mid-range weapon that can perform a variety of attacks Good luck out there fivers! I'd also used the pellets to slow down the monster when my friend was stunned or what not. Well I just wonder if Arc Shots has any unitily or are just a big fail. There are plenty of other viable options open to the bow, why do it the hardest, most annoying, and inefficient way possible? [–]SponGino 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (3 children), Just correcting you is all. 9. [–]PiekanBrave HBG | SWAX | Classic Bow 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (4 children). At least do it on your phone where no one can see your screen. We just need sequin armor. -(b) Link to source in the thread; The Arc Shot is a very unique move to the Bow. [–]Great SwordKnight_Raime 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (0 children). I've made it a point to start sending bow users who stun me during a fight flying through the air every time my hammer combo gets stopped with my uppercut. As a glaive main, I feel obligated to mention that your dps is higher if you stay on the ground. Continued violations after a temporary ban will result in a permanent ban. Arc Shot After making 3 consecutive quick shots, the Bow user can fire an arc shot that rains down iron shrapnel, dealing small amounts of continuous damage in a small area that can stun monsters. If warnings are not heeded, further action by moderation team will be taken. Basically once the IG user mounts and knocks the monster down, they did their job and now they join the rest of the group with ground combo. You have to think of it as a DoT effect that can stun and ko a monster. Self-promotion may be removed at the discretion of the moderators. Doing so drastically reduces clutter on the subreddit's feed. I love it for tiring something out to set up a Dragon shot or 2. So when those rocks fall back off and sharpen ur hammer, [–]element1123 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (2 children). Not to be an ass, I just don't think not using a main part of my rotation is the answer. Not to mention it also knocks back ground players. [MHGen]Bow's Arc Shots (self.MonsterHunter). No posting of pornographic material. Using Arc Shot isn't about doing damage. Get low prices with our Best Price Guarantee and get your order faster with free in-store pick up when you buy select Hunting Bows & Archery Supplies online. [–]Scratious 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (2 children). Meanwhile, I want easier access to Thousand Dragons. 3. Does flinch free skill work against getting knocked out of the air from rocks? That and exhaust tigrex, [–]DigitalSoul247 5 points6 points7 points 4 years ago (6 children). All weapons have unique properties relating to their Attack Power, Elemental Damage and various different looks. Our university will email you if you look at anything they deem crass. They deal poor damage and disrupt your teammates. and join one of thousands of communities. [–]TerraDraco 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (2 children), I got lucky and got lvl 3 gem for flinch. The only other time you'd be doing anything different is if you're fighting a boss with a lot of surface area (like any of the dragons) in where you'll want to charge once and dash to get your second for free and line up dragon piercer shots to hit as much of the monster as possible. Browse through our large selection at When using a Bow, a common tactic is "hit and run." They do knockout damage. The longer you keep it up the more effective it it. They're great for dispersing status as well. Please see Weapon Mechanics to fully understand the depth of your Hunter Arsenal.. The point of the post though is someone expressing a bit of frustration that their preferred play style is being interfered with. Search before posting Monster Hunter Rise: Magnamalo Screenshots, So guys, I did the thing : flying from area 13 to base camp. [–]BowWreckerCrew 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). In 2019, the CBS Television Network scheduled public service announcements ("PSAs") worth more than $200 million. I don't think arc shots lose any damage from range, and they can hit far outside of normal critical distance. Moderators reserve the right to manually approve/disprove posts based on how it affects the quality or state of the sub. REDDIT and the ALIEN Logo are registered trademarks of reddit inc. π Rendered by PID 21033 on r2-app-02c5582eba04af89b at 2021-01-11 23:39:59.305910+00:00 running 9b9cb1f country code: AR. In MH4U I once got both of my teammates killed by a khezu with a blast arc - on purpose! Because it's subpar damage and a waste of stamina. [–]Mikaeus_Thelunarch 13 points14 points15 points 2 years ago (24 children), The floor isn't actually lava, except when it is, so you can actually fight with us on the ground. KO is different from stun. Arc fire is more for solo play to be able to stun monsters when no other party members can, as it's maybe 50-60 damage which could be made up 3x more with proper rotations. The main purpose for them is doing KO/exhaust damage and controlling the space between you and the monster. but hammer users, great swords, charge blades, and pretty much any melee builds will suffer even if you manage to never miss a shot (which you will). As another Bow user, it knocked me out of my Dragon Piercer! It's purely for KO (impact) and Exhaust status (breaking parts too), however. All leaks and any newly released information must be marked as spoilers outside dedicated threads. I don't know much about IG but I've heard the ground combos do way more than the flashy Arial stuff, is that not true? How then is the glaive meant to be played? I have over 150 hours of bow time and play with a friend who has mained insect glaive for roughly the same amount of time. Bow users, please do not spam Arc Shot if you have a Glaiver in your group (self.MonsterHunterWorld). Five posts or comments for every self-promoted submission (Videos/Guides from your personal youtube, etc.) I'm not disagreeing with you that arc fire can be bad but you were incorrect about it's uses and I was only correcting that. Not only that but it's part of the combo. [–]Bowtcguy71 7 points8 points9 points 2 years ago (0 children), [–]Twilightdusk 5 points6 points7 points 2 years ago (7 children). Its charged shots can deal significant damage when aimed at a monster's weak points. We'll break the parts on its back just fine without them, and if you stick to your combos, together we'll dish out much more damage together. Watch Trailer, Now Available Slay Master Rank Kulve Taroth in Event Quest "The Eternal Gold Rush" Read More, Available 5/01 UTC Slay Arch-Tempered Namielle in Event Quest "The Distant Dark Tide" Read More. They probably didn't know they were knocking you down if all they were doing is spamming rocks. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. But it can bring the monsters to its knees. Everyone knows the best materials come straight from the source. Most mobs don't like to walk into it. The Bow is not as long-ranged as the Bowguns in MHW. You can now infinitely chain Power Shots with Arc Shots, for as long as your stamina holds out. If you’re going to be a flying Glaive just be aware of your surroundings. Yeah, it makes both buttons do power shot. Bow (Bash Attack) Light and Heavy Bowguns (Slicing Ammo) Boomerang; 2. Arc shots were in way before that. [–]element1123 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children), Also most ig users take the 10% aerial damage buff, so long as the last hit connects it does a bit more damage, [–]Riranor 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (3 children). [–]ShoKv 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children), I sometimes intentionally use arc shot but you’re right 99% of the time it’s trying to slide shot or dragon piercer, [–] brain surgeonisaacfrost0[] 43 points44 points45 points 2 years ago (5 children). I've been using reddit at work for the last 3 years with no consequences. The Bow (弓 Yumi: also known as "Longbow") is one of the most tactical weapons in the Monster Hunter series, first introduced in Monster Hunter 2. Get an ad-free experience with special benefits, and directly support Reddit. [–]brandnoro 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (0 children). And let's not get started about two handers ..... [–]BowAciddxxBurnn 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (0 children). are one of the 14 different Weapons players can choose from to Hunt with. No, really, I'll try and remember that next time. Dragon Piercer: From any combo > + Standing > + Can be aimed with L2 + Left stick. So. Multiple violations will result in a temporary/permanent ban (depending on severity). All arc shots do shot damage. Thank you! It is actually and extra shot of whatever the next highest shot level is unless you are shooting the highest, then it is the same. Memes and similar posts belong in r/MemeHunter and will be removed from this sub. I realized that my pellets were trolling him so I adapted my play style to work with him. I owe someone an apology.... [–]FiveDollarSketch 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (0 children). The aerial attacks are awesome, but in the long run people are going to care about your DPS over how cool you looked. Although it is very versatile and has a wide range of options, it is not the weapon of choice for an amateur but rather a weapon of choice for a skilled hunter. Arcshot should be used on head dual blade users are usually at the feet or tail of monster and most other bladed users at tail. Plus the arc shot is a decent chunk of the bows dps, ignoring it is nerfing yourself. [–]Souperlicious 2 points3 points4 points 4 years ago (0 children). Pretty sure MHF2 had them. Your primary damage from bow should be charge, dodge, spread fire and when the opportunity arises dragon piercer should take first above all else. Who would win? It's likely it may have been asked before. and join one of thousands of communities. So If you're using arc shot in a group that is not all ranged, I'm not sharpening my hammer so you can get a measly 62 damage, my uppercut last hit alone does 300+ damage, plus each consecutive hit does 50-80 damage leading up to it, and it has for more efficacy than your raining rocks. Damn Bowies, everyone knows its the Gunners job to knock Bugboys out of the air with explosives, who do they think they are? While we have no problem with disagreements/discussions, the following behavior will NOT be tolerated: Insults, inciting pointless arguments, trolling, hate speech, sexist remarks, discrimination, witch hunts against other members, etc. Bow eats your stamina a lot I recommend eating rations and having your stamina cap at 150 stamina in all the hunts even when you just started. Land it enough and the monster gets knocked to the ground. Even when arc shots were introduced in Portable 3rd, I never found them useful. Then, it’s all on you. [–]hootorama 12 points13 points14 points 2 years ago* (2 children). I think the big issue here is that people need to be aware of what their teammates are doing. it tires them out, and can be charged up to do actually a decent amount of damage. Otherwise, the only other time I do … -Bring back this monster That’s all I’m saying. Why? It’s also about the persons own experience in how they would like to play their character, it about how they may or may not be perceived by other people. Search Monster Hunter Generations Ultimate English Français Deutsch Italiano Español Barioth sneaking up on my hunter sneaking up on wigglers. It’s about not being able to play your class the way it’s meant to. It doesn’t matter what weapon we all use, it’s not fun for anyone when their weapons play style is being interfered with. If the former just literally spam the trigger at weak points. -(d) NSFW art flagged as NSFW. Blast can knock teammates around. This is rarely useful, but I've used it to wake a sleeping/paralyzed friend at least maybe once. [–]Samuraion 4 points5 points6 points 2 years ago (0 children). Read this Monster Hunter World: Iceborne Bow guide on the best loadout & armor build for this weapon. Any LFG posts will be removed. With the presence of Power Shot, Arc Shots are just a big fail. [–][deleted] 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (0 children), [–]PiekanBrave HBG | SWAX | Classic Bow 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (1 child). [–]Pr0xyWash0r 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (0 children). Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Live streams are not allowed without the express permission of the moderation team via modmail (Clips of YOUR content are OK). And don't think for one second I'm not thinking of other players, I don't uppercut if there are other players on the head. -(e) Full frontal nudity/camel toe is not allowed. Rendered by PID 2093 on r2-app-0714cd98d997b3a84 at 2021-01-11 23:40:03.541970+00:00 running fbc03cb country code: KR. If so, then I'm making it a high priority to get. Plus on top of that were breaking backs and wings!! Chances are your question has been asked before. 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (0 children). -Carves & Quest Rewards [–][deleted] 8 points9 points10 points 4 years ago (0 children). [–]scubamaster 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (0 children), By a long shot. Just in my experience with other bow users they don't do that, they quite literally spam arc shot instead of using it situationally. [–]Samuraion 2 points3 points4 points 2 years ago (1 child), As a bow main, I now want to be called a Bowie lmao, [–]Xanth413 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (0 children), [–]BoaCs 21 points22 points23 points 2 years ago* (7 children), [–]Willwalk123 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (6 children), [–]BoaCs 0 points1 point2 points 2 years ago (1 child). With a poison coating, they can easily poison groups of bnhabara or altaroth so they leave bodies to carve. Getting knocked down by unpredictable magic rocks from nowhere spoils my whole day. It's annoying as hell and doesn't need to be spammed in group play. If the monster is standing still or downed because of a mount it's ground combo. All I want to do is express my irrational hatred for dinosaurs through dance. Everyone knows you get way more style points for shooting them out of the air with Dragon Piercers, duh! An Arc shot comboed from a Power shot (need to test) cannot be aimed. People asked for an updated bow guide, with it. Hunting Horn; Hammer; Great Sword (Tackle and Side Blow) Charge Blade (Guard Point) Insect Glaive (Lower Part of the Weapon) Bow (Arc Shot) SnS and Lance (Shield Bash Attacks) Light and Heavy Bowgun (Bash Attacks) 3. They actually do have the ability to make Monsters crumble to their knees due to doing Stun Damage. [–]Turtle-Fox 1 point2 points3 points 2 years ago (0 children), [–]naytreox 3 points4 points5 points 2 years ago (0 children). level 1. [–]Appdude13HBG For Life 1 point2 points3 points 4 years ago (6 children), [–]DecoraanKhezu screams haunt my dreams 0 points1 point2 points 4 years ago (3 children). Every weapon and every attack in this game is fine tuned for this game, and everything has it's place :), [–]BowWreckerCrew 3 points4 points5 points 2 years ago (0 children). For them is probably to hit Duramboros ' humps ( Focus Arc at least one thing to when! Knocking you down if all they were introduced in Portable 3rd, I want easier access to Thousand.. That can perform a variety of attacks fire mine activation `` any online store/marketplace '' not... Get at message board topic titled `` Bow Arc shot once and only I! Includes recommended equipment, decorations, elements, and any decent ig user crumble they. For monster Hunter: World and the game shot that instead it’s not for. If it does nothing way to play your class the way it’s to! 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