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He was about 13-14lb at 12 weeks. It's fraud if this breeder lied to me and refuses now to let me know about the parents until the pup is 6 months of age. The recent fall weather that has finally arrived in NC is greatly energizing him after a long hot humid summer ever since the first of May. Dog Training Videos She is about 13 inches tall. Remember that their exact lineage and history is controversial. I'm really not sure. Articles Index I’ve had 4, that’s a huge collie! I was told by the breeder that my Aussie was going to be around 50-55 lbs. Great Pyrenees and Newfie… 32 lbs at 12 weeks. He is now 2. Hi. He is now 23 weeks and 33lbs! I am just worried she might be too small for her age. Bruno is a 10 month told tri red mini aussie weighing approximately 42 lbs. Theses guys gain about 5 - 8 ounces each week, which is roughly 5 - 10% increase in weight daily. Our Aussie is 5 months old and weighs 32 lbs, and she is not fat, thin and fit, very solid. This is not ideal for a developing puppy as exercise is how puppies increase their bone density. If you're concerned about your Aussies weight, you should take her or him to the vet and get checked out to make sure they are growing properly. I have two blue bitches. He is about 8-9" tall at 17 weeks. We are also getting a 2 month old mini Aussie and she weighs 5 pounds. He lays on the back of the chair and watches everything outside and barks at anything that moves. She seems a bit small but after doing some research there is a pretty big gap on size and weight at maturity. This can be a fatal condition. Both dogs have parents who were show dogs. I was told she is a Toy Aussie but I have yet to read about any other Aussie weighing so little at 3 months. His front feet are huge and have been since a pup. I have catahoula/great pyr who is 18 weeks and weights 52 pounds. My Pitador is just 7.5lb at 10 weeks – I think she’s gonna be little. I have a 4.5 month old red merle male 21lbs, who is hands down the best dog I have ever met. Either way they are the best dog you can have. I have a pyr x lab mix weighing 33lb at 17wks! All the other puppies are around 4.5 pounds but she' s only 2 pounds. Breed Weight Male Weight Female Affenpinschers 7-10 pounds 7-10 … Is this typical weight? I was worried to because my Aussie only ways 40 lbs and a male give or take but then I did some digging. The most important thing to do after getting your Aussie is to take it to the vet. At 10 wks she was at 6lbs, 14 wks at 7lbs 12oz, 16 wks 9lbs 3 oz. She is now 10 months old and weighs 30 lbs. We just got a toy australian shepherd, she will be 10 weeks old in 2 days. Well Riley beat isn't a mini that's for sure. I wouldn't worry too much about what weight right now because it seems as though yours while grow mine. Simply click here to return to Australian Shepherd Q & A. Anyone have any idea on size full grown? Ready for a bigger dog! My girl just weighed in at 15 pounds just shy of 11 weeks old. he is all solid muscle in the jaws and back legs and drags both 6 and seven year olds around the house at the same time with ease. Litter size varies from breed to breed, but identifying litter trends specific to your chosen puppy could help you understand how big your puppy is likely to get. Yes, he out grew his mini, but I would NOT trade/sell him for anything. We are going to try and add that enzyme to sprinkle on his food. Her forms say she is a mixed breed; but you wonder what breeds her parents were? He is my first Australian Shepherd puppy so I also did not know what to expect. His sister is 12 inches tall and 13 pounds. My Aussie is 5 months old and only weighs ten pounds. Just remember, different puppy breeds will grow at different speeds throughout different growth phases. Below is an exhaustive list of small breeds according to the American Kennel Club. Gaining about 2lbs per week but he seems thin to me.... vet says he is fine though....all legs and giant paws! Facebook Page Please this spitting image of his father as far as markings and coloring He is a black Tri with Tan pts. He has no clue how big or strong he is. I was concerned as well considering my last Aussie was around 8-10 pounds at 9 weeks old! I've had her for 3 days and took her to the vet and she weighs 5.6 pounds and she's 12 weeks today. When no one is here he is a good boy. At 7 weeks, 8.7 pounds. They can gain up to 10% of their body weight each week The smaller the breed, the faster they reach maturity, and in this category many puppies' growth … Don't answer a question with a question. My Aussie (mix) was 3.5 pounds at 10 weeks. The breeder said they have had toys in several litters from their mini aussies. They're on track to be minis. It's just funny that she was almost half Indie's weight at 8 weeks and now they are almost the same size! Anyone have an idea of how big he will get? And what she was advertised as. She's about 23-25 pounds. German Shepherds weigh anywhere between 66 to 88 pounds for males and between 49 to 71 pounds for females. At 4 months she was 20lbs and at 10 weeks she was less than 10lbs. She is just over 5 months and 20" to the withers and 44lbs. Bruno's mom weighed 24 lbs and his dad weighed 30 so he must have went back into other genes so I think you really take a chance on what you get. Providing you are meeting their daily nutritional needs, they will grow. Just for reference. I was able to track some info on her and I know she is not a mini, just a smaller Aussie. Their parents are 20 and 25 lbs. If you want your pup to grow to their full potential, then a quality food, for their life stage is essential! She is gonna be tiny. If your dog is labeled as an Australian Shepherd with AKC registration or even better ASCA, there is no way you have any so called "variation of the breed." Their Mom’s milk is made up of protein and fat which is crucial for the growth and development of new-born puppies; a lack of milk can stunt their growth significantly. I absolutely love her though and my dreams came true when I found her. I wished my Aussie was female but still as wild and big as my Riley is I won't trade him for a million dollars. I was worried a few months ago he was. Amazing dogs! full grown) she was a little pudgy at 40/45 lbs at 30/35 she was perfect. I have a miniature Aussie obtained from a breeder. She will definetly be very small but she has a big heart and she thanks me everyday for saving her life. There are some more predictable ways to figure out an estimated adult weight for your puppy, starting with a puppy weight calculator: This is your best chance at figuring out how big your puppy will get, especially if they are a mixed breed. oh goodness lol. She's now about 5 pounds. I have a 5-month-old purebred Aussie. What's New? I also have a one year old mixed Chihuahua and they get along great. puppy #1 puppy #2 puppy #3 puppy #4 Information: time of birth: 8:10 PM 8:17 PM 8:40 PM 9:20 PM Bella did great & ate all weight at birth: placentas quickly / we: color: Blue Merle Red Tri Black Tri Red Merle broke the sacs open sex: F M M F and stimulated pups WEEK #1 WEIGHT: Blue M: wt. She is pretty active, runs a lot and plays full out or is sound asleep. He stands about 18 inches and weighs 70 lbs. 7 week old puppy Some puppies go to their new homes towards the end of this week – many puppies show the beginnings of fearfulness at this point and will startle or jump at strange sounds an sights. Just weighed him at 5 months and he is already 54.9 pounds. She is 22.5 lbs at 16 weeks. My mini aussie Bruno was a year old on 11/7 and weights 45 lbs at the least. Health Issues Index I own a mini aussie and he is the sweetest boy! He got weighted today at 14.8 lbs being 9 months old. We adore him but he is like having a 2 year old in our house. She was the last female of the litter and was a lot smaller than her brothers so I assumed she was the runt. I'm not sure if that is ideal weight or if he should weigh more. Miniature australian shepherd australian shepherd dimensions drawings guide raising a mini aussie growth stats border terrier growth chart bunace feeding an australian shepherd puppy routines and schedules mini aussie growth chart goldenacresdogs mini australian shepherd … Only 3 or 4 adult Aussies. He is very active and strong as a bull. Blue merle and can now jump up on everything! I have a female Labrottie and she is only 31.2 at 22 weeks. Mine is 9 weeks and just weighed in at 5.6. i too saw both parents, dad 65lbs mom 55lbs. This isn't a Bulldog or Mastif where weight denotes size. Meet Squeeks, a Male Australian Shepherd puppy for sale on Pawrade. He is a wild child and a half. the father was also big. He is getting a lot and I mean a lot of exercise, I do wonder if that takes away from him gaining weight. Our daughter and grandson are living with us and every time they come home he barks like a maniac. And the best part is, elevated Continue Reading →, Having previously worked for a dog shelter, when it comes to dog adoption, I can say there are two events which all volunteers remember: The first time a dog is successfully adopted from a shelter The first time a rescue dog is returned back to Continue Reading →. Toy Height: 10 - 14 inches (26 - 36 cm) Toy Weight: 7 - 20 pounds (3 - 9 kg) ... Cooper, a Miniature Australian Shepherd puppy at 11 weeks old. I know she gets enough exercise. My 3 1/2 month old female Red Tri weighs 23 lbs. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. I keep it cool for him but loaded that much hair I can understand. Now is your time to eat/make breakfast. I guess it is like us, it can go back into the genes and pull up the bigger dog. I am hoping this will solve the problem. My Australian Shepherd only weighed 4 pounds at 7 weeks. They take the smaller dogs and breed them so sometimes what is supposed to be a mini will be a standard size dog or standard may be a smaller dog. The information and content on All Things Dogs is intended to be used for a general nature only. Then he jumped up to 10 pounds He is now 4.0 months old and weighs 17 pounds. She is the best dog. 8 Week Old Australian Shepherd Puppy Schedule. That is the main difference between their size and weight. He isn't overweight as he has gotten pretty tall. (Riley is mouthy as the wife says). Minis tend to be 20-40lb and standards are about 40-65lb. You may have a mini Aussie . Enjoy your Aussie! For all of you concerned about the size and weight of your standard, don't worry... they sound perfectly normal! Ours is smart and beautiful but wild as an indian. He's around 14 lbs now and is expected to grow to 25lbs. The good thing is certain labs around the country can test the DNA for this, and also the treatment is simple and cheap (injections of vitamin B12 every few weeks for life). When your dog reaches their full size will depend on what breed they are. At 11 weeks, she is 15 pounds. Over-exercise can cause injury and damage to both the skeleton and ligaments of your puppy, which will then require rest. Or what I refer to as black-and-tan freckles. Well maybe a million and one lol. ... Lizzy $3199 Female • 11 weeks Australian Shepherd Puppy ID #663254 Ask About Lizzy *Please fill in the required fields. I had the same worry and read this post a few months back when my pup was 11 weeks and only 8lbs. Our Bo, a male "mini" Aussie is 3 months old and weighs 18 pounds with huge feet! Your dog is most likely a full size because mine is 3 months to and it is 4 pounds. Now he's 8 months and about 38 pounds and still gaining over a pound a week. It is not intended to constitute professional/veterinary advice. Hope this helps At 12 weeks he was around 15 pounds. I have a 3 month old Aussie who is NOT a miniature and she just got weighed at 14 pounds. ... 15 weeks 20.1 pounds 8 months 42.5 lbs 9 months 45 lbs. I have a supposedly mini aussie who weighs 48 lbs. So, we wait. Some people will tell you to look at the size of their paws, however, the best way is to use a puppy weight calculator (jump to our calculator). We have a 5 month old, standard, Blue Merle female and I weighed her at 34 lbs today. So if anyone has any information it'd be great because I've researched the differences and even those don't help. Yes, i already love her no matter what size she ends up but i for sure wanted a standard. for 3 weeks) then I rescued a standard 6 year old girl , Kimi, she was huge! She went blind at 12 years old but was still very smart she learned commands that helped her around (up curb, down curb) and was very happy.. 14.7 years old she had spinal stenosis that pain meds could not help anymore, in 2 months her weight went to 26 lbs. My Aussie Riley is a black tri colored..he seems to average about a pound or two a week..he is 4months old and weighs 23lbs...he is about 10in give or take an inch or two at the shoulders when standing..he was the runt and I know its hard to tell how big they get but im curious as to height weight and fur length.whether his coat is a working coat or show have other questions to ask but doubt ill find this thread again.if anyone wants to email me at id appreciate well I will show pics of my monster known as Riley lynox this breed is energetic smart and love to bite chew ect...pkz feel free to email wife isnt to thrilled about him and id love to show her one day he will be a great dog and not the hyperactive chewing peeing on floor mess that he loves to be...thx.have a great day. He’s going to be a big boy! Mom's Weight 40 - 45 lbs Dad's Weight 65 - 70 lbs Registry ASDR Variety Standard Email Us. My first came from working lines and was very large. Chelsea my mini lived to 14 half years old she was 30 lbs and about 15 inches high full grown At 10 weeks when I got her she was 7.5 lbs at 6 months she was 20 lbs vet said she would be about 40 lbs full grown formula used weight at 6 months times 2 approx. Standard Aussies can generally weigh anywhere from 40 lbs to 90 lbs full grown Mini's are bred to weight between 20 lbs and 40 lbs. I saw his parents and the mother was 24 lbs and the father 30. My 4 month old black-tri color is 23.5 pounds I'm just curious about how big he is going to get? His father and mother were on site when I picked him up, the father was 65 lbs and the mother was 45 lbs. I guess he’s trying to grow into his name, Samson. I got a mini aussie, his parents were both mini, but he is 3 months old and already weighs 22 pounds, is it possible that he will be just a standard aussie? We adore him but he is n't a mean dog, it will have idea... 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