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Management Study Guide is a complete tutorial for management students, where students can learn the basics as well as advanced concepts related to management and its related subjects. However, if the policy has been formulated carefully, many of the dangers will be overcome. Their decision will be final. 4. 1. (iii) Policies are no substitute for human judgement. Privacy Policy 9. If there is a problem of misinterpretation, the organization should provide the method for overcoming the ambiguity. This policy and procedure cover all activities that form part of the recruitment and selection process. They reduce chances of misinterpretation, misrepresentation and consequent friction. 4. Types 10. Policies aiming to cultivate inclusion must match up with the daily reality of employees. Such a policy flows from higher levels to lower levels in the organization. 5. The chosen policy is not necessarily the best one but it is best one in a given situation. There are various rules regarding compensation and other benefits. In order for the policy and procedure to be effective it is essential that any employee who is involved in any aspect of the recruitment and/or selection of staff is aware of this document and follows it. When the policy is in writing, it becomes more specific and clear. So far as the line supervisors are concerned, they should be responsible for applying HR policies. It also relates to supervision, employee counseling, establishing harmonious relationships with employees, education and training. HR policies furnish the general standard on which decisions are taken. It covers but is not limited to HR planning, hiring (recruitment and selection), training and development, payroll management, rewards and recognitions, Industrial relations, grievance handling, legal procedures etc. Thus, uniformity of action is maintained in similar cases. Essays, Research Papers and Articles on Business Management, Policies in an Organisation | Term Paper | Decision Making | Management, Role of HRD Recruitment in Enhancing Productivity, Wage and Salary Policies of a Company | Hindi | Policies | HRM, Advantages and Disadvantages of Franchising, HR Policies – Definition Given by Eminent Authors: Flippo, Calhoon, Jucius and Armstrong, HR Policies – Need: Achieve the Objectives of the Organization, Uniformity in Decisions, Delegate Authority, Achieve Better Control and a Few More, HR Policies – Main Characteristics of Sound Policies: Organizational Objectives, Planned Formulation, Clarity, Consistency, Balanced, Written & Communication, HR Policies – Why are HR Policies Important: Delegation, Speedy Decisions, Coordinating Devices, Better Control, Standards of Efficiency, Uniformity and Confidence, HR Policies – How to Frame HR Policies: 2 Ways, Main Characteristics of Sound HR Policies. (viii) Condition – Whether to pay prevailing or more than prevailing salary scales. Scope and Applications 7. Meaning of HR Audit: A Human Resources Audit (or HR Audit) is a comprehensive method to review current human resources policies, procedures, documentation and systems to identify needs for improvement and enhancement of the HR function as well as to assess compliance with continuously changing rules and regulations. Besides, there may be situations where no such policy exists and the managers concerned may face difficulty in arriving at a decision and appeal for guidelines. First, poli­cies restrain subordinates from performing undesirable functions or from mishandling specified func­tions. As such, if frequent appeals are made, managers should visualize and review their policy formulation, its communication, and interpretation so that policy guidelines become more clear and specific. Personnel administration components will be developed into fully-fledged human resource management units, providing policy advice and professional human resource services. Factors like economic success of the enterprises, the interest of the employer and the employees should all be taken into account. vi. This policy and procedure cover all activities that form part of the recruitment and selection process. As the trade unions play an important role in the development of industrial relations, therefore, the management must recognize them. In general, policies constitute guides to action. The scope of HRM is extremely wide, thus, can not be written concisely. They make the actions of organisational members more consistent. According to Calhoon, Personnel policies constitute guides to action. According to him, ‘policies are basic rules established to govern functions so that they are performed in line with desired objectives’. When these factors are taken into consideration, various policy options may emerge on a particular issue. Therefore, it is very difficult to define it concisely. as something having peculiar psychological properties, abilities and limitation that require the same amount of engineering attention as the properties of any other source, e.g., copper. v. Workplace guidelines – These policies are quite varied and their purpose range from defining certain work arrangements such as flex time and telecommuting to offering guidelines on the use of company assets and record retention. For additional policy templates, visit the HR Council for the Nonprofit Sector. 3. Scope 4. Ultimately it is the responsibility of the senior management in the University, including Heads of Departments, in conjunction with HR to ensure that this is the case. Sound personnel policies are, therefore, an essential base for sound personnel practices. The scope of Human Resource Management (HRM) is Personal Management, Employee Welfare and Industrial Relations. The scope of Human Resource Management (HRM) is Personal Management, Employee Welfare and Industrial Relations. It implies also a consideration of the human resources as having, unlike any other resources, personality, citizenship, control over whether they work how much and how well, and thus requiring motivation participation, satisfaction, incentives, rewards, leadership, status and function. When the rough draft is made, it should be sent to the representatives of employees, departmental heads and experts for their perusal, comments and suggestions, if any. It is the responsibility of an efficient and effective HR manager to frame HR poli­cies and make necessary changes and amendments from time to time, whenever necessary. According to him, the checks or guide­lines may be whether the policy is based upon a careful analysis of the objectives and ideals of the com­pany; whether it is definite, unambiguous, complete and accurately stated; whether it is reasonably stable and not subject to change because of temporary changes in existing conditions; whether it has sufficient flexibility to handle normal variations in changed conditions; whether it is related to policies of other sections of the company so that proper balance of complementary policies is established; and whether it is known and understood by all who must work with it or are affected by it. In return, the employer must be able to get the maximum possible regain. Policies help in achieving the following benefits: (i) Facilitates decision-making. Establish organization as whole a co-ordination team. Uploader Agreement. iii. The policy objective is to provide a standard framework for overall human resource planning, and development of annual HR Plan in line with the Municipality’s Integrated Development Plan (IDP) and Service Delivery and Budget Implementation Plan (SDBIP). (iv) Seniority – Seniority required for promotion. ADVERTISEMENTS: Human Resource Management: Meaning, Objectives, Scope and Functions! Huge Collection of Essays, Research Papers and Articles on Business Management shared by visitors and users like you. Unless these are communicated properly to the persons concerned, no meaningful purpose will be served. In such a case, the action of a decision maker, consciously or unconsciously, depends on his own guidelines, prejudices, and whims. New Objectives and Challenges Concerning Human Resources Development and Training A critical challenge society faces at the start of the twenty-first century is the attainment of full employment and sustained economic growth in a global economy and society. The site is read by a world-wide audience and employment laws and regulations vary from state to state and country to country. HR policies provide the workers a security against exploitation and create confidence in employees who may know where they stand in the organization. On the other hand, the policy should not be so inflexible that it cannot be changed when the need arises. Train every employee for current and future jobs. When all these factors are taken into consideration, there may be a number of policy alternatives in relation to a particular matter, for example, recruitment, development, compensation, etc. Thus, organization gets assurance that higher positions are filled by internal members without further control. How Using the HR Scorecard Creates Long Term Value for Organizations, How Technology Can Help in Collection of Metrics for the HR Scorecard, HR Scorecard: Aligning People, Strategy, and Performance, How Using the HR Scorecard Can Address Organizational Dysfunction, Human Resource Management Best Practices in Contemporary Organizations, Using HR Scorecard with Analytics to Actualize Next Generation Performance, How the HR Scorecard Helps Actualize Cross Functional Excellence in Organizations, How the HR Scorecard can Help Gig Economy Firms to Manage Freelancers Better, How the HR Scorecard Helps Organizations to Actualize Change Management Initiatives, How Innovative HR Policies boost Employee Productivity and Organizational Effectiveness, Changing Recruitment Strategies of Corporates and Tips to Get Hired, What is Social Mirror and How it Determines Individual Success in Career and Life, What Do Hiring Managers Look for in Applicants when Making Hiring Decisions, Why the Future of Work is Virtual, Gig Based, and Cognitive and its implications for HR, Why HR Managers Must Enforce Data Security and Information Protection Policies, Why Corporates Must Have Wellness Managers as well as HR Managers, What is Employee Ghosting and How HR Managers and Organizations Can Deal with it, The Increasing Popularity of Corporate Wellness Programs and What HR Can Do, What Experienced HR Managers Watch Out For When Recruiting Candidates, The Importance of Data Driven Analytics and HR Scorecard Dashboards for Corporates. How to Make HR Policies Effective. The changes may be in the form of addition, deletion, or substitution of the existing policy. An appealed policy arises from the appeal made by a subordinate manger to his superior for deciding an important case. Is it practical in a given existing or expected situation? Human Resource Management, Policies, HR Policies, Meaning of HR Policies. This may include information on training needs and opportunities, job descriptions, performance reviews and personnel policies. Once the employee has put on the job performance appraisal is conducted that is the Human Resource department checks the performance of the employee. Such policies are informal, and as such their framing or establishment cannot be analysed. It is applicable to all staff recruitment except casual staff. Formulation of HR policies considers a number of factors- organizational philosophy, HR philosophy, external factors, and internal factors. First, poli­cies restrain subordinates from performing undesirable functions or from mishandling specified func­tions. 3. Such prescriptions may be either explicit or these may be interpreted from the behaviour of organization’s members, particularly at the top level. HR compliance, and 4. Sometimes, unforeseen situations arise which are not covered by the existing policies. Policy is the statement or general understanding which provides guidelines in decision making to members of an organization in respect to any course of action. Thus, there may be appealed policy. HR policies serve as standards in execution of work. HR strategies and policies, 2. Scope of Human Resource Policies The types of human resource policies you develop should cover the essential rules and guidelines you expect employees to follow. An industrial organisation should form and declare its HR policy well in advance so that it may have a basis to take decisions with regard to future HR problems. Some Perspectives, The Staffing Challenge in MNCs: Expatriates or Locals in Overseas Locations, The HRM Challenge: Managing Opinionated Employees in Polarized and Divisive Times, Why Auditing of the HR Function is Necessary and Important in the Present Times, The Role of the HR in How Corporates Can Win (and Lose) the Global Race for Talent, The Changing Nature of Employment and Impact on Professionals and Societies, Fixing Fraud and Biases in the Recruitment Process and Making it Fair and Transparent, HRM Strategies in Non Profits and How Similar and Different are They from Corporates, Organizational and HRM Strategies for Virtual Workplaces and Remote Workforces, The Role of Feedback in Enhancing Employee Performance and Productivity, The Role of Monetary and Non Monetary Incentives in Enhancing Employee Performance. If the person in authority is transferred and some other person takes charge of the office the decisions to be taken by the new authority are similar to those which have already been taken in comparable circumstances by the former authorities due to the predetermined policies of the organization. It is about establishing, growing and promoting industrial democracy to safeguard the interests of both employees and management. The objectives of the HRM span right from the manpower needs assessment to management and retention of the same. It is one of the policies which is made for the development of the staff and workers value in the company. Considering the intricacies involved, the scope of HRM is widening with every passing day. Terms of Service 7. These agencies may either provide complete guidelines on a subject matter or provide a broad framework for devising specific policies. Once the HR policies are framed, there comes the problem of their transmission and application. The principle of common interest must be given due recognition in designing HR policies. As HR policies specify the relationship that is shared between the organisation, management and its employees besides they allow members to work towards achievement of the objectives of the organisation without friction/conflict, paving the way for better control. Human resource management is a central pillar of many organizations. Therefore, in formulation of a policy, those functions or activities which do not contribute to the achievement of objectives should be eliminated. Components 6. Therefore, in order to integrate these changes, there should be periodic review of HR policies in the light of these factors and suitable changes must be incorporated. Most of the HR policies should be framed by the higher level of management with the advice and assistance of staff of the HR department. Scope. A job should provide for sufficient wages and benefits that will enable an employee to lead a comfortable life. 2. These actions might constitute the policy. Account Disable 12. Is it clear, definite, and explicit leaving no scope for misinterpretation? However, different management experts have defined human resources differently. Scope of Human Resource Management. 3. Human resources are undoubtedly the key resources in an organization, the easiest and the most difficult to manage! After the choice, a policy is put into action and its results are known. Similar such issues arise on other matters too. In other words, we can say that it’s about developing and managing harmonious relationships at workplace and striking a balance between organizational goals and individual goals. This policy may be broad giving general guidance for the action or may be spelled completely so as to leave little scope for definition and interpretation. 7. Meaning: Before we define HRM, it seems pertinent to first define the term ‘human resources’. (iii) Consistency of action- Effective policies ensure uniform and consistent treatment of all employees throughout the organisation. SCOPE. There would be stability in decision making in the organisation even if some key executives retire or leave the organisation. Thus, an HR policy will also be helpful in making decisions routine on frequently occurring HR problems. Let us discuss this process. Any deviation with this policy has to be approved by the CEO and Group Head HR. (iv) Objectives – Objectives of training. Another important thing with regard to the nature of policies is that they should not be construed as fundamental or unchanging truth. • Strategic Plans, Human Resource Plans, Retention Policies, Human Resource Development Strategies and Policies of the sampled departments were obtained to ascertain whether sampled departments understand the link and assess their compliance with the DPSA's Human Resource Development Strategy Vision 2015. Principles 9. (vii) Methods – Methods of training-on-the-job or off-the-job. (iii) Basis – Basis (length of service or efficiency) to be followed in discharging an employee. Peter Drucker has rightly said, The management must gear its policies and objectives in such a fashion that the employees perform their work and do their assigned tasks. (The way that the position contributes to and impacts on the organization) The Human Resource Officer provides advice and assistance to supervisors and staff. In order to illustrate the former, we can quote an example. When a particular policy is chosen, it is put in action for the guidelines to managers concerned and results are obtained. Human resource business partners have clients within the organisation they provide resources and build relationships with, focusing on the missions and objectives set forth by the organisation. The new Human Resources Development Framework Background 1. They condense past experience. (ii) Executive Development – Programmes of executive development. HR policies should be prescribed and implemented in the organization. Scope of HRM – Developed by American Society for Training and Development The Human Resources Management Model developed by the American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) integrates the nine areas or scope of human resource management. About informal HR policies, Michael J. Jucius has rightly observed that many personnel policies undoubtedly have just grown. Human Resource Planning (HRP) is the process of forecasting the future human resource requirements of the organization and determining as to how the existing human resource capacity of the organization can be utilized to fulfill these requirements. 3. It ensures compliance with relevant employment legislation and informs employees of the Company’s expectations and their own responsibilities. Creating Good HR Policies Before we get this topic to an end will brief about creating good policies. The three critical lessons Catalyst discovered often create a dilemma for many leaders because they must both create inclusive cultures while rooting out exclusionary behaviours. CHAPTER 2 - POLJCV STATEMEN Purpose of the Policy Policy Framework objectives Scope of the Policy Framework Guiding Principles 3. May relate to loss of time information provided, while authoritative, is not necessarily the best one but is. 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