how does the energy systems work in dance essay

With some 3D printing processes, about 98 percent of the raw material is used in the finished part. Blog. The ATP-CP system would be used at the very start of the race/event to push the skier into the lead and allow powerful movements to occur, which will help create this lead and then the ATP-CP system can regenerate its energy when the lactic acid system kicks in. This system is utilised to perform these movements as they require short surges of energy. (2016, Nov 25). Retrieved from, This is just a sample. Glycogen is broken down into three ATP molecules, whilst glucose is broken down into two ATP molecules. The sun, directly or indirectly, is the source of all the energy available on Earth. However, do understand energy work isn’t shooting sparks from your fingers. Accept and close Essays; Physical Education; Energy Systems Assignment Task. This is a natural process as the development of the energy system goes hand in hand with the performance in the sport. The lactic acid system would be used during the start phase of the race/event as the exercise is continuous for 60 seconds and more, allowing the body to use stored glycogen in the muscles and liver for a short duration of time. Obviously, there's a lot of kinetic energy in dance! In our everyday language, work is related to expenditure of muscular effort, but this is not the case in the language of physics. Potential energy is stored energy. your own paper. Surprisingly, Gravity power is also used in Tango, though it does not happen through a swing action. Aerobic training should be done at least 3 times a week, at an intensity between 70% and 80% of their maximum heart rate, and normally goes for 30 + min in duration. Get Your Custom Essay on, Energy Systems – ATP/CE, Lactic Acid & Aerobic, By clicking “Write my paper”, you agree to our, By clicking Send Me The Sample you agree on the, Physical Properties Of Lactic Acid Biology,, Get your custom I use the words “cope with” for a reason. This system is used for these movements as they do not require fast or sharp movements that put strain onto the athlete’s body. Help, Use multiple resourses when assembling your essay, Get help form professional writers when not sure you can do it yourself, Use Plagiarism Checker to double check your essay, Do not copy and paste free to download essays. Today, most of the energy we use still comes from fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas, which have been formed underground over millions of years. Carbohydrate is broken down anareobically (without oxygen) to lacti The first process is Aerobic glycolysis. Energy. The AL System will work at capacity for as long as two minutes resulting in lactic acid build up. The energy system responsible for this is the ATP-CP system, as it provides all the movements needed for the athlete to win. "You must agree to out terms of services and privacy policy", Don't use plagiarized sources. When hot air rises, cool air drops down to occupy the space that the hot air has just abandoned, and this friction and motion creates gusts of wind and enables the wind to blow through the atmosphere. Here we learn what work and energy mean in physics and how they are related. The aerobic system is used for longer duration, low intensity actions and when in use allows time for the other systems to regain energy to be used once again. Science describes energy as the rate of doing work. Energy can be described as being in different 'stores'. Depending on the intensity and duration of the exercise one particular energy system may be more influential than the others. (2016, Dec 30). It is suitable for this type of exercise as they involve short, explosive actions or movements which last for a few seconds and allow a short recovery time between each section of movement. We called these non-renewable forms of energy because they can only be used once. 3. Lactic acid inhibits the effectiveness of the muscle contractions by causing fatigue and pain, making the muscles feel stiff and tight. This energy system recovers after a short break from the high intensity exercise; however it only produces one ATP molecule so it has a low energy yield. Anaerobic Glycolysis occurs, which involves ten chemical reactions occurring within the muscle which turns glucose into pyruvic acid and 2 molecules of ATP. The aerobic system takes place through three complex processes which all link together. When this occurs, it usually results in major fatigue and often occurs after two hours of intense exercise. This energy system also does not include oxygen, as the exercises it is used for is intense, so the body does not have enough time to deliver oxygen to the working muscles. Dance, the movement of the body in a rhythmic way, usually to music and within a given space, for the purpose of expressing an idea or emotion, releasing energy, or simply taking delight in the movement itself. The ATP/PC system is quickly depleted, within 10 to 15 seconds and therefore movements requiring the use of this system are spread evenly throughout routines in order to allow time for the lactic acid and aerobic systems to replenish the levels of ATP/PC in the body. Essay text: The outcome of this is that the capacitor will be completely discharged meaning that both the current and voltage will equal zero. It may exist in potential, kinetic, thermal, electrical, chemical, nuclear, or various other forms. The Energy Systems essaysDescribe each of the energy systems Stored at the myosin cross-bridges is broken down to release energy for contraction it is used for short bursts of energy – it is exhausted after about 10 seconds. People meet on the dance floor, and dancing with someone increases the sense of intimacy. Energy Systems – ATP/CE, Lactic Acid & Aerobic. The aerobic energy system does not produce lactic acid, but unlike the other two energy systems, it does require oxygen. Group acrobatics makes use of the aerobic system through smaller movements and actions such as movements from lifts into tumble runs, stepping into the correct positioning and lower intensity dance components of a routine. Before the fats, glucose and protein can be used for energy production, they must first all be broken down into one substrate: Acetyl-CoA. Energy work is a real skill, and many variations of energy work exist to explore. The energy associated with motion is called kinetic energy. Social gatherings such as weddingsand birthdays are often punctuated with vigorous bouts of dancing to music. When we fully deplete our muscle and liver glycogen stores, it is referred to as ‘hitting the wall’. The Use of Energy Systems. In this lesson we review ways energy systems are used for physical activity. The Lactic Acid system is used when performing group acrobatics in the conduction of constant holds and movement patterns from one corner to another while performing tumble runs. A cross country skier will predominantly use the aerobic system, due to the demands of the sport regarding endurance and low intensity. Retrieved from ENERGY and The ENERGY Reader include over 30 essays by some of the most insightful and expert voices exploring the consequences of our rapacious hunger for ever more energy.Contributors include Bill McKibben, Wendell Berry, Wes Jackson, Vandana Shiva, Richard Heinberg, Lester Brown, Amory Lovins, Sandra Steingraber, James Hansen, Winona LaDuke, and James Woolsey. If you're behind a web filter, please make sure that the domains * and * are unblocked. you By continuing we’ll assume you’re on board with our cookie policy, The input space is limited by 250 symbols. This system is used when the other two systems are recovering. Get a verified expert to help you with The Use of Energy Systems, Are You on a Short Deadline? Sports are all different and therefore require the use of different energy systems to help participants perform well in them, the sport will rely on the energy system which provides the greatest coverage for the sport. This system kicks in when our ATP and CP stores have run out, glycogen from muscles and the liver is used to be broken down it glucose, as glycogen provides a quick source of energy and can be directed to the muscles quickly. The important of technology development is to increase the labor productivity and miniaturization. Page 1 of 50 - About 500 essays. Not to mention, 3D printing enables manufacturers to create new shapes and lighter parts that use less raw material and require fewer manufacturing step… Dec. 11, 2020. Electrical energy is considered to be superior over other energy forms the following facts gives the proof for it Convenient energy form Electrical energy could be considered as the most convenient form of energy. In case you can’t find a sample example, our professional writers are ready to help you with writing Also, quite a bit of energy work is emotional and does impact our objectivity. You can view samples of our professional work here. Sorry, but copying text is forbidden on this website. The types of Energy are mechanical, thermal, chemical, kinetic, and potential energy. A system possesses energy if it has the ability to do work.Work shifts energy from one system to another.Energy is… 1. a scalar quantity, 2. abstract and cannot always be perceived, 3. given meaning through calculation, 4. a central concept in science.Energy can exist in many different forms. Energy is basically the capacity to perform work. Long distance/duration sports such as marathon running, 1500m and cross-country skiing all require the use of the aerobic system more than the other two systems. Mitochondria utilises fats, glucose and protein to be broken down for energy production. Almost every joyous celebration involves some amount of dancing. Energy is stored within the chemical bonds between the Adenosine and the three phosphate molecules. Once the lactic acid system is minimal the aerobic system takes over allowing the lactic acid to regain energy. When undergoing an acrobatics routine the ATP/PC system is used for bursts of energy and quick, sharp movements that require a large amount of force or strength such as lifts and leaps. High energy yield makes it the primary method of energy production during endurance events. Through the consistent use of dominant energy system within the sport, the energy system will develop and improve. We'll not send However, many of us do not know how our body energy systems work. This storage is for needed energy for doing activities. Energy Systems Just like the lactic anaerobic energy system, the aerobic energy system must directly recruit the active cellular respiration process to provide ATP energy. Member of British Dance Council, Sport & Recreation Alliance, Theatre Dance Council International and Council for Dance, Drama and Musical Theatre IDTA appear … This is not an example of the work written by professional essay writers. It could be converted from one form into any other form. The lack of oxygen in this reaction means that some of the waste products are not disposed of, which causes a build-up of hydrogen in the muscle cells from the Glycolysis reaction. You can get your custom paper from An arm gesture might be free flowing or easily stopped, and it may be powerful or gentle, tight or loose, heavy or light. In practice, sustainability involves social, political, economic, and environment aspects. Additional materials, such as the best quotations, synonyms and word definitions to make your writing easier are also offered here. The aerobic oxidative system forms a big part of our bodies metabolic rate. This is not an example of the work produced by our Essay Writing Service. All forms of energy are either kinetic or potential. Short distance/duration sports such as 100m sprinting and 50m swimming rely on short, explosive and powerful movements to propel athlete’s forwards to win, concentrating on speed and power. With higher intensity exercise over a short time period the bodies reliance for energy will be placed on the anaerobic energy systems … The aerobic system is used for longer duration, low intensity actions and when in use allows time for the other systems to regain energy to be used once again. The ATP – CP system is primarily used for short duration exercises (about ten to twelve seconds) which involve a high intensity or explosive movements. The body stores ATP in muscle in the form of Glycogen. Learn more about energy in this article. Group acrobatics makes use of the aerobic system through smaller movements and actions such as movements from lifts into tumble runs, stepping into the correct positioning and lower intensity dance components of a routine. In group acrobatics each of the energy systems assist in supplying the body for exercise movement including the ATP/PC system, the lactic acid system and the aerobic system, displayed in different types of movements throughout a group floor routine. Any time you move, you're creating kinetic energy, even if it's just tapping your foot. Lactic acid inhibits the effectiveness of the muscle contractions by causing fatigue and pain, making the muscles feel stiff and tight. Let a Professional Expert Help You, Ask a professional expert to help you with your text, Give us your email and we'll send you the essay you need, By clicking Send Me The Sample you agree on the terms and conditions of our service. 3D printing has the potential to revolutionize manufacturing, allowing companies (and individuals) to design and produce products in new ways while also reducing material waste, saving energy and shortening the time needed to bring products to market. Any exercise which exceeds 120 seconds of prolonged activity requires the aerobic system, which is a benefit as it produces energy at low intensities. Food energy is converted into ATP by your muscle cells through a very complex series of reactions. Aerobic Energy System . Learn more about the history, styles, and aesthetics of dance in this article. They also contain a lot of the enzymes, associated with aerobic energy. The ADP then reacts with the spare Phosphate from Creatine-Phosphate, with the help of ATP Synthase, to produce one ATP molecule. The Lactic Acid system is primarily used for short or medium duration exercises which last about 60-90 seconds but no longer than two minutes. At this time all the energy stored in the circuit will have been transferred to thermal energy at the resistor. For this reason the three energy systems work constantly in conjunction with each other to achieve this. Medium distance/duration sports such as 400m, netball and football require powerful movements which can be attained over a greater distance; for example when a footballer is chasing the ball, they may be required to run non-stop for one or two minutes, which is longer than the duration of the ATP-CP system. Also, it takes at least two minutes to start producing energy which allows the other two systems to recover in case they are needed again which allows you to continue producing and using energy at a steady and sustainable rate. Kinetic energy is energy in motion. Energy, in physics, the capacity for doing work. During each of these sports there are small breaks e.g. The aerobic system is the most utilized of the three. Energy may change in an instant, and several types of energy … Sports such as netball, football, 400m and basketball are all examples of where this type of energy system is most suitable. Long duration exercises are conducted at a low intensity, which requires more ATP to be produced as it is being used over a long time, making it suitable to long duration events. This system is used … Energy Systems in Sports. As we move towards the point of maximum kinetic energy, we apply muscle power, which I’ll talk about next, to amplify the effect of gravity. It cannot be created or destroyed but it can be transferred. The aerobic system produces two waste products, carbon dioxide and water. Energy is about how the movement happens. our expert writers, Copying content is not allowed on this website, Ask a professional writer to help you with your text, Give us your email and we'll send you the essay you need, Please indicate where to send you the sample, Hi, my name is Jenn sustainable solutions continues to gain support. Aerobic training specifically targets the aerobic energy system and the cardiovascular system, which improves the delivery of oxygen to enhance its use. This system requires oxygen to break down glucose, protein or fat and produce energy to regenerate ATP. It provides energy for low intensity activities that last anywhere from two minutes to a few hours. Dancing is an intimate form of enjoyment, and hence brings people closer. Top 10 blogs in 2020 for remote teaching and learning; Dec. 11, 2020. The aerobic breakdown of one glucose molecule produces 38 ATP molecules. This system recovers after a short break, but it needs to have the glucose replenished before it can carry on at its’ highest effectiveness. Perhaps the most important effect that dancing has on us is that it acts as a social glue. Due to this recovery time, this energy system is most suited to sprinting, throwing, heavy weight lifting and jumping. The third and final energy system we use is the Aerobic System. The ADP needs to gain another phosphate to be re-used for another reaction. This system is regenerated by consuming food and drinks which contain high amounts of glucose. Recent technological advancement… Energy is all around you; from the blood that flows in your veins, all the life processes to the vehicles moving on the road or the machines used up to produce goods, energy is required by everything. Due to global warming, Earth has the potential to generate unlimited wind energy. 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